Thursday, May 29, 2014

The stolen Generations

After reading “Rabbit proof fence” I was very interested in “stolen Generations” as you know they are “half castle” indigenous children in Australia that are taken from their families and sent to places where they were “educated” in this places they can´t took their language, dance or do anything related to their culture.

A few weeks ago we learned about some points of view in class and I think that in this case "the interpretative" is very helpful for understand or know about this situations because who is more reliable than people that lived this?
 That´s  why I recommend for those that are really interested in this to check out this web site:

 "That was the sad part we had no choice, our mother had no choice, our father had no choice. When the Government said we had to go, we had to go" says Keith Kitchener.

It´s very difficult for this people to talk about this horrible part of their lives but they think that it´s better that the world know what happened to them. In this web site are the stories of those who didn´t know who they really are, children that was felt that are just in the middle of something, that they are  nothing.

The best way to see how painful it was to these persons to lived that kind of abuse it is take a look of this testimonies. How can be this situation for this children, their parents and the all aboriginal culture What do you think about this?

 An embrace, Companions. 


  1. I think those people were very brave, were alive without knowing who they were, neither where they belonged. They were suffering a lot, far away from their families, but nowadays they can know who were their families, maybe they are dead and nobody can bring them back, I think that's why the prime minister gave apologizes, because all of us know, and also Kevin Rudd, that the chilhood of all those people is in the past, we can't bring it back... cheers cuacuac <3

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  3. I loved the book "Rabbit-Proof Fence" because it shows exactly what happened with the half-casted children. I think that this is similar to what happened to the holocaust survivors, but with different stories to tell and with a lot of pain too. For these people, when the First Minister apologized for have "taken away" their children, aborigenes were both happy and touched by his words; however, this didn't change what had already been done.
