Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Kingdom of Edward VI

In the third marriage of Henry VII, he finally had a son with his wife of that moment, Jane Seymour. Their son was named Edward VI, he was born o 12 October 1537at Hampton Court Palace.

Edward's parents Henry VIII and Lady Jane Grey

Edward was very educated and intellectual. But, also he was a very sickly child; it is believed that he suffered from syphilis or tuberculosis. His fragility made Henry VIII will marry three times more, but he hadn’t more children. 

When his father died in 1547, Edward became the King with only ten years old. But Edward's uncle, Edward Seymour, took power and established himself as a protector. He and the archbishop of Canterbury wanted to make an England Protestant state, supported by the young king. In 1549 there was a rebellion centered on economic and social injustices. Also, France declared war to England. But the mainly conflict was the “English Prayer Book”, because this brought manifestations like the destruction of religious images. The political situation of Edward VI was very unstable.

Edward was diagnosed tuberculosis and hadn’t much time to live. He passed the throne to Lady Jane Grey who was more distant of Henry VIII and declared illegitimate at Mary and Isabel because they were catholic (and Edward was protestant). Edward finally died on 6 July 1533 at the age of 16 years old. However, Jane was queen for a few days until; Mary took the throne, because the people because the people weren't getting along with the Queen.

Is incredible that a child was the king, I think at that time the maleness was very strong, because an old woman couldn't be the queen but it could be the king a boy of only ten years. This is a clear sign of patriarchy and the importance of the man in the old society.


  1. I think that it was so difficult be king or queen! You can trust just in a few people .... lucky Edward for have an uncle that could help him.

    Very interesting your post :)

    1. Lucky Edward? I don't think so. He was son of one of the most hypocrite and unresponsive King of this part of the history. He was under the pressure to keep the generation alive... sometimes stress makes things harder, and this is an example of that.

    2. I think he was so clever..and because his actions nowadays we are talking about him. We don't only know about their way of ruling, also we know their affairs, wifes and of course a lot of gossip and scandal of his family.

    3. Please, don't get me wrong. I know that his father was an unresponsive King but when Henry died and Edward became King, even when he had pressure to keep his father's kingdom, at least he had someone that gave him advaces (for good or bad). He wasn't alone.


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