Friday, May 2, 2014

The other side of Henry VIII

Henry was an intellectual. I can say he was the first English king with a modern humianist education, he read and wrote English, Frech, Latin and was throroughly at home in his well-stocked library. He personally wrote many books and published one of his own. He wrote the song "Helas madame". He founded Christ Church Cathedral School, Oxford, in 1546. To promote the public support for the reformation of the church, Henry had numerous pamphlets and lectures prepared. For example, Richard Sampson'sOratio (1534) was an argument for absolute obedience to the monarchy and claimed tht the English church had always been independent from Rome. 
The glorious king was hailed as a brave and heroic defender of the true faith. Henry worked hard to present an image of unchallengeable authoity and irresistible power.


  1. Great post with the correct information. This make me want to look about more. I liked it!!

  2. This information is very important because everyone thinks that the important information about Henry VIII is that he had six wives and that's all, but no he did more than that. I like this post!
