Thursday, May 22, 2014

Nugi Garimara, better known as Doris Pilkington

Doris Pilkington is the author of the book "Follow The Rabbit Proof Fence" (Which all the beginners have to reed)

This story is about 3 girls, Molly, Daisy and Grace, who were stolen from their aborigines families and then they scaped from a center in the south-west of Australia, called Moore River. These brave kids try to return to home. They walked along 1,500 milles, following the rabbit proof fence.

(Trailer "Rabbit Proof Fence")

Doris found inspiration to write this book in her mother's life, Molly, her sister Daisy and her cousin Grace. Those are their real names. 
Nugi, the original name of Doris, raised without her mom since she was 3 years old.


Doris with her aunt and her mother

She didin't see her mother until Doris was 25 years old. She was part of Australia's stolen generation. Nugi Garimara died this year on April 10th because of ovarian cancer, at age of 73.

There is an american movie called "Australia" and it shows australian kids being chased by the police and there is a woman who try to help them. So, here is the trailer:

I think that it was so frustrating for these families and they felt so despair when authorities gave the order to take away the children from them to "eliminate their race".

That is something you can't think just like that!!!!

What do you think about it, my dear reader?

Thanks for reading my post and I hope for your comments here  :)


  1. I think in the same way as you. Is so unfair for aboriginal families have to separate, I mean, children need their parents as parents need their children. This is just feeling respect for other cultures, and live as a community in a life with a variety of identities. We don’t have to force people to learn and act like something that they aren’t. Stolen generation is a very sad moment in the history of Australia…
    I already read the book, but now I want to see the movie because the trailer looks very interesting! I like very much your post 

  2. Wow! I did not know that the author based the book of her mother's life and how it affected her, it is interesting.
    I think that it was so difficult to the family to be separated from each other, and I would die if I get isolated from mine.
    Now I would love to read the book! I'm excited about it!

  3. This story makes me really sad, it's horrible see how humans can act whitout humanity. And like Alondra saids I also would die if someone strange took me away from my family, I think it is so cruel, horrible and unfair, that prohibit you to live, be and express yourself because you are of a different culture or think differently or operate differently most of the persons

  4. This is a horrible fact on Australian history, I can´t imagine how people can do this to childs. aborigines were always abused across the history and things like this just make me think that i´m not agree with this kind of abuse because this is unfair and i say this because is happening in Chile too and want to do something about it.
