Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nelson Mandela :"We know what needs to be done all that is missing is the will to do it"

He was an activist, lawyer and politician.It fought pacifically against the racial segregation in South Africa(Apartheid).He restored A political democratic model in South Africa.He was the first president chosen democraticly in South Africa and It  won the nobel prize of peace These are some of all the things that this great leader achieved.

In 1944 began his political career in earnest, joining the African National Congress, ANC. Finding the existing leadership of the ANC to be "a dying order of pseudo-liberalism and conservatism, of appeasement and compromise.", Mandela, along with Tambo, Sisulu, and a few others formed the African National Congress Youth League, ANCYL. In 1947 Mandela was elected as secretary of the ANCYL.

 Apartheid was a system of racial segregation in South Africa enforced through legislation by the National Party (NP) governments, the ruling party from 1948 to 1994, under which the rights of the majority black inhabitants were curtailed and Afrikaner minority rule was maintained.

"During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die." (Mandela.)

Nelson Mandela was arrested by the charges: "high treason and a countrywide conspiracy to use violence to overthrow the present government and replace it with a communist state." in a countrywide police swoop on 5 December 1955, which led to the 1956 Treason Trial.

 it was liberated on February 11, 1990. Three months after his liberation it was chosen to lead the CNA and from his position of power it fought for the democracy, achieving that in 1994 there were celebrated the first democratic choices of the history of South Africa by him as victor, turning this way into the first black president of South Africa.

This great leader died but it left a valuable lesson: We must to fight for our ideals. I hope that many persons will try to be more like Nelson Mandela. I hope that they are interested in this great personage and if they want to see more: 

an embrace companions.


  1. I think he is a role model! And we should be proud that he is part of our history :)

    Love your choice ^^

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. When I read your post, it remember me a important character, Gandhi. Mandela and Gandhi helped to create the human rights, because they realized that something was wrong, they fighted against the authorities for their people and they are recognized for that. The thoughts they had are very important because we can do a parallel with Mapuches. They have long and unfair history, but we are usually uninformed. They fight for his people like Gandhi, and Mandela but we don't know about it.

  4. He is the visible face of black people, an excellent example of leadership. By the way, please do not ever use this font again, it was very difficult to me to read this blog.

  5. Undoubtedly Nelson Mandela was one of the most important representative of the peace and patience in the History. A political man with perseverance, He fought against a big system, He gave his life for a free Southafrica. I think that Nelson Mandela is one of the MOST important men in this time.
    Check this speech :)

  6. Mandela is an example of determination. Even with all the years he was in prison, he never forgot his ideal, and keep fighting for it. It shows us that, no matter what are our problems, we never should forget our principles.

    By the way, I second Franco's advice. Please, DO NOT USE THIS FONT AGAIN. It may seem pretty, but it's really hard to read.

  7. thanks for your comments. I promise to never use that font again. C:

  8. thanks for your comments. I promise to never use that font again. C:
