Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ku Klux Klan, first extreme-right movement known

As they claimed "Everlasting superiority", more stupid were they. It may sound graphic and subjective, but if we analyze mankind, its worst moments were results of people's superiority complex against their own weakness.

 The Ku Klux Klan is one of the best examples of human stupidity: an extreme-right movement wich pretended to eradicate comunism, color people and Christianism from a planet wich they considered theirs. After the American Civil War, in 1967, there was a lot of social controversy about the Black People freedom (specifically, discrimination by Southern farmers). Farm owners from the south of the USA, wanted to confirm that black people slavery was a "civil right", and completely necesary for the development of their lands. After the victory of the North, most of Southern people refused to accept black people as "people", and the only way to expressing it was chasing and killing everyone who had different skin. So, a group of soldiers from Georgia, began this raw and cold persecution in a very particular way: white clothes, covered heads and no identity either. Black people did not want to tell police about this because many policemen belonged to the Klan.
Even though this is fiction, this is an analogy about the level of ridiculousness human can fall to, from Tarantino's "Django Unchained"

 Personally, I think this was the door for too much intolerance, which still remains inside some people. It is shocking that after this, the racist persecutions beagan being considered "necessary": for very many leaders of the following centuries, skin differences were an illness for their nations, and the worst thing was that they thought they was doing it well (even knowing color people's talents and virtues ). Early XX century, 4 million people were in the KKK, only in the USA, and "leaders" like Adolf Hitler or Idi Amin Dada (anti-asian) promoted skin discrimination as an eminent solution. We still live connected with this kind of people

This is "The Kampala's cannibal" Idi Amin Dada, an example of racist brutallity from the last century.

Do you know any other racist behavior in our system? DO NOT follow or promote it. Let's break down the walls between us, now, and let every human being live forever.

1 comment:

  1. There's always one thing I keep thinking when talking about rascism (or any kind of discrimination). Some people try too hard to "respect" other people different from them, and this often leads to "different" people having different rights. Whites try to be more respectful towards Blacks by giving them more rights, but in the end that's just another kind of rascism. It's a more implicit one, a more hypocritical kind of rascism. I don't want to sound arrogant or anything, but some times I really amuses me how stupid can humans be.
