Thursday, May 29, 2014

Different cultures, hard communication. Same cultures, harder communication

Maybe there is not theory which tells us about it, but it's a reality that I noted last weekend when I was working and an asian girl attended to my work to buy something to eat. She told me something in japanesse maybe (I don't know) and as she noted that I haven't undertood anything, she told me something like "yo quiere eso", and what I answered was "eso ¿quĂ©?", so she pointed out to me something in the board and then I understood what she wanted to say and I felt bad, because maybe she also felt bad trying to comunicate without can do it and I couldn't help her too much.

With this, I noted that the comunication is hard for foreing people who come from another place without to know the language. However, there are a lot of people that help them with it, but in the other hand, there are people that don't help them and make a lot of laugh about their comunication's problem.

Also, I started to think "it happens with people with the same language everytime", but in a different way. We have problems with it, and it's because we have different points of view about things, but we don't consider it, being something that we should do. We discuss about everything and we don't think "what is he/she trying to xplain?".

Finally, I think it's something that we can change easily. So, start thinking about other thinkings, and don't make reviews without knowledge... 

Here there's a clear example of it, watch it, you are going to laugh a lot (I hope)  

I hope you like it, please comment and make me happy :)

                      Make different things to see changes, don't stay where you                            are because things are going to be the same.

Stereotypes everywhere!

Nowadays one of the most important things that we have to consider is the influence of the stereotypes in our society. There is a tendency to generalize all people from a certain group, considering them all to be identical, omitting diversity. 

"The stereotype is a term that refers to generalizations about the members of a group. Generalizations can be positive, but in the majority of cases are negative and resistant to change. Unfortunately stereotypes facilitate prejudice and discrimination for those people."(Droguett, 2010, pg. 89)

We are surrounded by keys that interfere with our thoughts. The simple fact of watching the television stereotypes that governs it, gives us an idealistic thought that many times is discriminatory.

One study of stereotypes revealed that Americans are generally considered to be friendly, generous, and tolerant, but also arrogant, impatient, and domineering.  Asians, on the other hand, were expected to be astute and alert, but reserved. But everybody have to be sure that  not all Americans are friendly and generous; and not all Asians are shrewd. 
If you assume you know what a person is like, and don't look at each person as an individual, you are likely to make errors in your estimates of a person's character.
Here you have is a list of the most common stereotypes in world.

1. Asians have high IQs. They are smarter than most in Math and Science. These people are more likely to succeed in school. (Positive stereotype)

3. African Americans can dance. (Positive stereotype)

4. Caucasians can't dance. (Negative stereotype)

5. French are romantic. (Positive stereotype)

6.Irish are alcoholics. (Negative stereotype)

7. Italians are good lovers. (Positive stereotype)

When somebody does a prejudice is because they tried to imagine what kind of person he or she is, but the problem was that sometimes they really didn’t know much about it and just talk.  They have nothing to base their judgments on, except for stereotypes.
I think in Chile exist a big list of stereotypes, the majority of the time those are harsh. But we are the responsible to change them. We must integrate all people, not giving importance where they are from or how is their body. I think the best way to fix the problem is through education. Society and mainly schools need to teach children to repel stereotypes.
Here I show you a video of Asians stereotypes, enjoy it

Do you know another common stereotype? Have you ever said it? 
And finally, do you know another way to finish with stereotypes?


The stolen Generations

After reading “Rabbit proof fence” I was very interested in “stolen Generations” as you know they are “half castle” indigenous children in Australia that are taken from their families and sent to places where they were “educated” in this places they can´t took their language, dance or do anything related to their culture.

A few weeks ago we learned about some points of view in class and I think that in this case "the interpretative" is very helpful for understand or know about this situations because who is more reliable than people that lived this?
 That´s  why I recommend for those that are really interested in this to check out this web site:

 "That was the sad part we had no choice, our mother had no choice, our father had no choice. When the Government said we had to go, we had to go" says Keith Kitchener.

It´s very difficult for this people to talk about this horrible part of their lives but they think that it´s better that the world know what happened to them. In this web site are the stories of those who didn´t know who they really are, children that was felt that are just in the middle of something, that they are  nothing.

The best way to see how painful it was to these persons to lived that kind of abuse it is take a look of this testimonies. How can be this situation for this children, their parents and the all aboriginal culture What do you think about this?

 An embrace, Companions. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ku Klux Klan, first extreme-right movement known

As they claimed "Everlasting superiority", more stupid were they. It may sound graphic and subjective, but if we analyze mankind, its worst moments were results of people's superiority complex against their own weakness.

 The Ku Klux Klan is one of the best examples of human stupidity: an extreme-right movement wich pretended to eradicate comunism, color people and Christianism from a planet wich they considered theirs. After the American Civil War, in 1967, there was a lot of social controversy about the Black People freedom (specifically, discrimination by Southern farmers). Farm owners from the south of the USA, wanted to confirm that black people slavery was a "civil right", and completely necesary for the development of their lands. After the victory of the North, most of Southern people refused to accept black people as "people", and the only way to expressing it was chasing and killing everyone who had different skin. So, a group of soldiers from Georgia, began this raw and cold persecution in a very particular way: white clothes, covered heads and no identity either. Black people did not want to tell police about this because many policemen belonged to the Klan.
Even though this is fiction, this is an analogy about the level of ridiculousness human can fall to, from Tarantino's "Django Unchained"

 Personally, I think this was the door for too much intolerance, which still remains inside some people. It is shocking that after this, the racist persecutions beagan being considered "necessary": for very many leaders of the following centuries, skin differences were an illness for their nations, and the worst thing was that they thought they was doing it well (even knowing color people's talents and virtues ). Early XX century, 4 million people were in the KKK, only in the USA, and "leaders" like Adolf Hitler or Idi Amin Dada (anti-asian) promoted skin discrimination as an eminent solution. We still live connected with this kind of people

This is "The Kampala's cannibal" Idi Amin Dada, an example of racist brutallity from the last century.

Do you know any other racist behavior in our system? DO NOT follow or promote it. Let's break down the walls between us, now, and let every human being live forever.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Martin Luther King’s death

Something that really calls my attention in the texts about Martin Luther King was his death. His assassination it is not clear to me. Although there is information available on the topic, it does not fully explain King’s death. For this reason I wanted to explore the Martin Luther King’s murder, finding information about the details of his death, who was the assassin and why he was killed.

Martin Luther King is known because of his fight for the civil rights of the black people and also because of his famous speech “I have a dream”. If he was a good leader, why he was to be murdered? Sometimes life isn’t fair, and this case is a complete example about intolerant people. I am going to explain the unknown details about his death.

King was murdered at the age of 39, on April 4 of 1968, in Motel Lorraine’s balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. A bullet entered in his cheek at 6.01 pm, and he was pronounced dead at 7.05 pm. The assassin was James Earl Ray who used the name John Willard to rent a room in Bessie Brewer’s in front of the Lorraine Motel.

James Earl Ray had gathered information from newspapers and news to know about Martin Luther King. In addition he bought a binocular to see when Martin Luther King appeared in the Motel. When finally Martin Luther King arrived, Ray shot him. After the shot, James Earl Ray hid the rifle, the information and the binocular and left the room. When the police found the evidence, they organized an intensive search to capture him. 

Ray escaped and for two months he hides in different countries. Finally on June 8 he was captured by the police at the London Heathrow Airport. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 99 years in prison. Ray said that he had killed Martin Luther King to become famous. A time later, he said that other man had conspired with him in the murder of King, but this idea hasn´t been proved.

King’s murder scattered manifestations and protests in all the country. Some people died or got injured because of this. Furthermore, buildings and areas were destroyed. The most important black race leader in the US had died because of the not intolerance regarding about other race that wasn’t the white race. This situation was enough evidence to continue fighting for the black people’s civil rights.

I think Martin Luther King was an incredible person and his death is a really sad event. He died just because a racism problem in the society. Here I attach a video about King’s death and its effects on people.

About Martin Luther King's death... Do you think that James Earl Ray acted alone or the King’s murder was a conspiracy?

Thanks for reading me and I hope your comments! :) 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Nugi Garimara, better known as Doris Pilkington

Doris Pilkington is the author of the book "Follow The Rabbit Proof Fence" (Which all the beginners have to reed)

This story is about 3 girls, Molly, Daisy and Grace, who were stolen from their aborigines families and then they scaped from a center in the south-west of Australia, called Moore River. These brave kids try to return to home. They walked along 1,500 milles, following the rabbit proof fence.

(Trailer "Rabbit Proof Fence")

Doris found inspiration to write this book in her mother's life, Molly, her sister Daisy and her cousin Grace. Those are their real names. 
Nugi, the original name of Doris, raised without her mom since she was 3 years old.


Doris with her aunt and her mother

She didin't see her mother until Doris was 25 years old. She was part of Australia's stolen generation. Nugi Garimara died this year on April 10th because of ovarian cancer, at age of 73.

There is an american movie called "Australia" and it shows australian kids being chased by the police and there is a woman who try to help them. So, here is the trailer:

I think that it was so frustrating for these families and they felt so despair when authorities gave the order to take away the children from them to "eliminate their race".

That is something you can't think just like that!!!!

What do you think about it, my dear reader?

Thanks for reading my post and I hope for your comments here  :)