Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Although this video is not from "The Beatles" that are my favorite group. Is my favorite video because of his message.

This video was made from PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS In agreement with the song of Goldfinger. The founder of the band it was really worried about the rights of the animals, then the group began to make songs To create conscience on the animal mistreatment and PETA: The biggest organization in favour of defending to the animals, do this video to show us what animals can suffer because of the human being.

I think this video can help to stop cruelty with animals because it creates conscience. The images reflect very well what the letter of the song wants to say  in addition: an image reveals more than thousand words.  

This video “open my eyes". i saw it about six years ago since then i try to help in any way to animals, We can see all these forms of violence with animals but there are so many ways of helping also. If you want to see more go to: WWW.PETA.ORG

What do you think about this video? Thanks for the comments, a hug companions. 

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