Friday, March 28, 2014

Have you ever felt True Love?

I love this song completely. I really like this music style and of course the video clip. The landscapes and the lyrics are doing the most nice combination between each other. We can see with this video clip and the song together are expressing the real meanning of the human love. The true love is not possible to make it with the relation between two person. Is going farther away fro emotions that are changing the history. Even if we dont want to feel it, the true love ir aroun us. Appreciate it!

written by Jacob Hemphill :)

Stand by me.

"No matter who you are. No matter where you go in your life, in some point you're going to need somebody to stand by you"... That's the beginning of the video, a Playing for change's video. A great group of people who believes that music is something which can change everything.

This is a great song with a great message: you need somebody with you...  

Maybe we're always saying that we can make things alone, but there's somebody who says the truth, and it's that we need somebody at least in some point of our lives. 

In the video, somebody shows us that we can make everything together, even with people from other cultures, countries or wherever.

Think about it: Do you really can make everything alone?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Love is all you need: A song of hope.

All You Need is Love, by The Beatles, is for me, the best love song ever.
Not because it's a romantic song, but because it has a message of universal love. The video swirls around The Beatles and there love message. This was the time of Vietnam's War, and very close from the 6-Day War between Israel and the Arab. So let's have this in mind when analyzing the video.
It was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney and released in 1967. It belongs to a branch of rock music called psycodelic rock.

The opening is really interesting: The song starts with The Marseillaise, France's Hymn. There's this historical relation between England and France, this rivalry they've had for years, back to the the beginning of their history. So opening a song about love, playing your "enemies'" hymn, states that love is for everyone, beyond any differences.

The video starts in black and white, panning from the musicians in the orchestra to The Beatles, who are in the middle of all of them. It moves like surrounding them, showing this stage full of people, until the camera focuses on Lennon, and then, when he starts singing, colour fills the screen, from his face, out.

The setting is full of people, other than the musicians. There are also flowers, balloons, and some people have signs about love in different languages. The Beatles themselves are very colorful, in contrast with the other musicians who wear the regular clothes the other musicians from the orchestra are wearing.

At the end, it's like a party where everybody choruses The Beatles and there is more colour, balloons and the people marching around them with happiness. Something else that is really amazing is that those people sitting there with them, singing the chorus, were people from the studio, and friends, including Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Keith Moon (who also played the drums), Graham Nash and Eric Clapton. 

Part from the studio. Love is everywhere, literally.

It's also interesting to point out that at the song's ending we can listen to pieces of other famous songs like: a part from Johannes Sebastian Bach's Invention nÂș8, Greensleeves, In the Mood by Glenn Miller (the sax), She Loves You (The Beatles), Yesterday (just the word, spoken by Lennon), and the March of Denmark's Prince. It's amazing how they could mix all these elements, all this music and make it into such an incredible work of art.

This song could have many readings because one can understand it from love as a romantic feeling, and also as this powerful message that love is all we need to live in harmony, to make our world a better place to live.
It's not that hard to make things right, starting from us, and then the world. In Lennon's words: It's easy!

I think this song, and well mostly every piece of music about peace & love from The Beatles and John Lennon, is still current because the world hasn't changed that much since. We actually have more tools to make a change, to know what is actually happening at other places, but most people won't do more than sharing a picture on Facebook, which doesn't change things either.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Shake it out

We all have felt, in one point of our lives, that something is repressing us and, in that moment, we don't know how to act, we don't know what to do.
There is a  song called "Shake it out", which is one of my favourite songs. 
I love the voice of Florence Welch.

This song it's trying to tell us that when you have a "heavy thing" on your back, maybe problems or thoughts, you have to fight for overcome them. You don't have to be still until you think that they are going to desappear, because they will not. If you don't let them in the past you will have this bad things following you whenever you go, whatever you do, and it will getting stronger and heavier for you to hold them in your back and shoulder.  We all have to learn to SHAKE this "demons" OUT, like the song says.

(The acoustic version is my favourite)

This song is atractive, mainly, for the beautiful and exceptional voice of the singer. Te video shows Florence (the singer) making a change in her life. This message is being sent to us to we notice what problems we have and keep them out of our lives. Don't hide them!

Do you keep your demons away? 

Watch this video and I hope you enjoy the song.

  I hope for your comments here. Thanks :)


Although this video is not from "The Beatles" that are my favorite group. Is my favorite video because of his message.

This video was made from PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS In agreement with the song of Goldfinger. The founder of the band it was really worried about the rights of the animals, then the group began to make songs To create conscience on the animal mistreatment and PETA: The biggest organization in favour of defending to the animals, do this video to show us what animals can suffer because of the human being.

I think this video can help to stop cruelty with animals because it creates conscience. The images reflect very well what the letter of the song wants to say  in addition: an image reveals more than thousand words.  

This video “open my eyes". i saw it about six years ago since then i try to help in any way to animals, We can see all these forms of violence with animals but there are so many ways of helping also. If you want to see more go to: WWW.PETA.ORG

What do you think about this video? Thanks for the comments, a hug companions. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Killer words unleashed a lion

 Have you ever hurt someone’s feelings? I suppose so. All of us have done it sometimes, with or without noticing it. The real problem is when the constant hostigament finally completely destroys someone, or even ourselves. Pearl Jam, in one of their many good songs, shows us the damage that the human being can do, with its most lethal weapon: The words.
 “Jeremy”, probably one of the most popular songs of the band lead by Eddie Vedder, couldn’t explain us better the power of the bad communication (or lack of communication). The original story happened 23 years ago, when a 16 year-old teenager shot himself in front of his whole class. Jeremy Wade Delle (his real name) constantly suffered of maltractament and bullying, what drove him to that tragic consequences.
 The videoclip shows us Jeremy’s “path to death”, with captures of a blackboard hard to erase, authentic newspaper articles, and some flashes with messages like 3:30 in the afternoon, The serpent was subtil, described as bored and ignored, etc. Clearly insert us in a desolation and impotence atmosphere. In fact, the videoclip frame with Jeremy pulling the trigger was banned by MTV. No deeper value can be extracted from this story, except caution an attention: You can always think twice. That’s a very shocking way to die and learn (former Jeremy’s classmates are still trying to erase the boiling blood from the blackboard!).
 “Jeremy”, is a song that criticizes a materialist and superficialist system, and adverts us that the bad use of communication can kill ourselves. The message is clear. This article is dedicated to everyone who was mistreated in a cold classroom.

                                                        In memory of Jeremy Wade Delle

Earth Song

“Earth song” is rather a message, sent to us by Michael Jackson for call us to save the earth. This song is very important to make people aware about what happens to the world, and change it to make it a better place, because our planet was perfect and we have ruined it.
This song shows the damage that we have done to the world through the deforestation, factory implementation, wars, killing of animales, etc. Also, we hurt ourselves, we don’t take importance to the poorness or people who’s hungry or people who’s die unjustly.
Michael Jackson has several songs that proves the crude reality that exists in some parts of the world, but with this song he gets more deeply to the persons, because this isn’t a happy song. “Earth song” has a melancholic rhythm and violents and sad pictures, to make us open our eyes and make something about it.
The human is the biggest problema of the earth, if we didn’t exist or just exist people who don’t believe them like the owners of the world, our planet would be perfect like before to make it this inmense damage.

I invite you to watch the video and to be part of the change. I hope your comments.